Let's monetize your audience.

With "Powerwriting"...

Having a following will not pay you.

Huge accounts with 10k subscribers...

Yet 0 likes.

So you think that makes you money?


Engage a loyal audience with stories...

That pack a PUNCH.

The story structure that turns people into MONEY

Meet The Hero’s Journey

If you need engaging content.

With the technique used by Russell Brunson and many more…

Then sign up here for FREE!

Who am I?

I'm Gergő Vári (aka Greg).

Digital marketing expert and growth consultant.

Wielding words as a sword...

Sharpening it with perspicacity.

Past work.

"...it's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward..."

- Rocky Balboa

My story.

Not too long ago...
Not too long ago...

A geek.

With the dream to die in an air-conditioned office: how wonderful.

And now an ambitious man with PLANS.


Peers ignored me.

What 99% of men experience.

Like backstabbing.

And failures...

Yet we rise from the dust.

And with stories like this, you'll be ahead too.

The story structure that turns people into MONEY

Meet The Hero’s Journey

If you need engaging content.

With the technique used by Russell Brunson and many more…

Then sign up here for FREE!